Steve Spencer's Blog

Blogging on Azure Stuff

Migrating Azure WebJobs to Azure Service Fabric

As part of a proof of concept for Azure Service Fabric one of the challenges was to migrate backend services from a variety of different places. I had a number of services running as Azure Webjobs on the same platform as my web site. The WebJobs were hosted as triggered services meaning that they were using the WebJobs SDK and this has the advantage that the WebJob will run as a console application outside of the Azure Web site it is currently hosted in.

Azure Service Fabric has the capability to run any Windows application that can be run from a command line as a guest executable. This means that I could host my WebJob in Service Fabric as a guest executable.

Once I had Visual Studio setup with the Service Fabric SDK & Tools. It was relatively straight forward to add the WebJob.

As an example, my WebJob is triggered when a message is placed onto an Azure Storage Queue and it then passes the message into an Azure Service Bus Topic. The WebJob project was added to my Service Fabric application


To add this as a Guest Executable, right click on your service node in the Service Fabric application and select “New Service Fabric Service”


When the “New Service Fabric Service” dialog appears, select “Guest Executable”


Click Browse and select your WebJob executable folder. The WebJob executable should now appear in the Program drop down. Select this, change the service name and click OK.

This should add your WebJob as a guest executable to your application package root


Once deployed to a Service Fabric cluster, your WebJob should run as normal. If you leave the connection string settings the same as they are in the WebJob then your diagnostic traces will appear in the same blob container as they are now.
