Steve Spencer's Blog

Blogging on Azure Stuff

Managing Application Access with Azure AD – Part 1

In my next series of blog post I want to talk about how to manage access to applications using Azure AD.

I’ve been looking at how I can set up access to my web based applications and I want to be able to:

  1. Have a single sign on with multiple applications
  2. Allow some users access to only some of the applications
  3. Be able to give access to users outside of my organisation
  4. Be able to control access via code

Part 1 will cover setting my applications up and then restricting access to the applications via Azure AD.

In order to test this I needed to have a number of applications that I could use. I used this example:

It allows me to login and see my claims. I deployed this into two different app services so I could navigate to them separately. I’m not going to talk about the code on the web side apart from the bits you need to configure up the sample. This series of blogs are more about how to setup Azure AD and the path I went through to my end goal of configuring up users programmatically.

In order to integrate with Azure AD we need to set up each of the applications. This will provide us with an ID with which we can  use to configure each of the applications.

In Azure Portal navigate to Azure Active Directory, or search for it in the search bar

Microsoft Azure 
p Search resources, services, and docs (G./) 
Azure services 
Create a 
Azure Active 
SQL databases 
Azure AD 
registrations    C 
p activd 
Microsoft Azure 
Azure s 
Azure AD Privileged Identity Management 
-+ Activity log 
Azure Active Directory 
reso HDlnsight clusters 
e Monitor

Home > Default Directory I Overview 
O Default Directory I Overviev 
Azure Active Directory 
p Search (Ctrl 4/) 
O Overview 
Getting started 
Diagnose and solve problems 
Organizational relationships 
Roles and administrators 
Enterprise applications 
App registrations 
Identity Governance    Home > Default Directory App registrations 
Default Directory I App registrations 
Search (Ctrl *

In the menu bar on the left select App Registrations –> New registration and complete the form:

Home ) Default Directory App registrations ) Register an application 
Register an application 
-k Name 
The user-facing display name for this application (this can be changed later). 
My New app 
Supported account types 
Who can use this application or access this API? 
@ Accounts in this organizational directory only (Default Directory only - Single tenant) 
O Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant) 
O Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant) and personal Microsoft accounts (e.g. Skype, Xbox) 
Help me choose... 
Redirect URI (optional) 
We'll return the authentication response to this URI after successfully authenticating the user. Providing this now is optional and it can be 
changed later, but a value is required for most authentication scenarios. 
v http / 
gy proceeding, you agree to the Microsoft Platform Policies 

I've picked single tenant as I want to invite users using B2B. Now click Register

You need to copy the ID's needed for your web app:

Delete Endpoints 
Got a second? We would love your feedback on Microsoft identity platform (previously Azure AD for developer). * 
Display name 
Application (client) ID 
Directory (tenant) ID 
Object ID 
My New app 
Supported account types 
: My organization only 
Redirect URIS 
: I web, O public client 
Application ID URI 
: Add an Application ID URI 
Managed application in My New app

Copy the Client ID and Tenant ID. Repeat this process for the next app. I've created two apps as I wanted to test limiting access to a single app and deny access to the second if the users has not been invited to it or added manually.

Now add these to the web.config in the sample app. There will be two settings for ClientId and Tenant. Make sure that the redirect url matches the url of the application you registered and redeploy. Repeat this for the second application.

If you navigate to the web apps and try and login, you may get an error as we haven't setup any users, although any users currently in your Azure AD should be able to login.

To give users access to your app. Go back to Azure Active Directory and this time select Enterprise Applications and click on the app you just created.

) Default Directory > Enterprise applications All applications > My New app I Overview 
My New app I Overview 
Enterp•ise Application 
Diagnose and solve problems 
Users and groups 
Application proxy 
My New app 
Application ID 
Object ID Q) 
Getting Started

Click Users and groups

My New app I Users and groups 
Enterprse Applicat& 
+ Add user 
Edit Remove p Update Credentials 
The application will appear on the Access Panel for assigned users. 
Diagnose and solve problems 
irst 100 shown, to search all users & groups, enter a display nami 
Display Name 
NO application assignments found 
Users and groups 

Click Add user

Home > Default Directory > Enterprise applications I All applications > My New app Users and groups > Add Assignment 
Add Assignment 
Groups are not available for assignment due to your Active Directory plan level. 
None Selected 
Select Role 
Default Access

Click None Selected, pick users from the list and click Select. These users have now been given access to your application. However, as I mentioned earlier all users who are part of your Azure AD currently are able to login to your web app, we need to now configure the app so that only assigned users can access it.

Click Properties in your enterprise application and set User Assignment required to yes and click Save. (repeat this for your other application)