It’s been a while since I’ve talked about web jobs, but they are still around.I needed to modify one of mine recently and configure it as a scheduled web job.
You can deploy your web job from the Azure Portal. Web jobs are part of App Services and are deployed by selecting your app service you want and clicking the web jobs service.

Click the Add button.

Enter a name for your web job, Browse a zip or exe containing your web job
Select Triggered from the Type drop down. This change the UI to allow you to select Scheduled

The Schedule is triggered using a CRON expression.
Alternatively, configure the web job as a manual trigger, then use the Azure Scheduler to trigger the web job.. When you have configured your web job, click on its properties in the Azure Portal and you should see a web hook url.
Now create a new scheduler Job

Select the method as Post and paste in the webhook url.Once you've completed this configuration you can then configure the schedule

Using the scheduler allows you to configure retry policies and also error actions