Steve Spencer's Blog

Blogging on Azure Stuff

Testing connectivity to your backend service with Hybrid Connection in App Service

I have a backend service that is connected to my web site which is hosted in Azure App Service using a Hybrid Connection. When setting up a Hybrid Connection it is useful to be able to test connectivity to your backend service. I’ve previously posted a video to show you to access the Kudu control panel so that you can look at the files in the hosted site. We’ll use the Kudu control panel to also test connectivity, only this time we’ll use the PowerShell debug console.

In Azure Portal click on your app service and go to Advanced Tools and select Go


This will open the Kudu console in a new tab.

Click on Debug console the PowerShell


This opens the debug console in PowerShell and allows your to run PowerShell commands on the App Service. As you are running on the App Service you will have access to the backend service that is connected via the web service.


My service has a Get endpoint that I can call to test connectivity. There are a number of commands we could run but I’ll use Invoke-WebRequest.

For this I am using but you use the url of your backend service that you have configured in your Hybrid Connection.

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri


This returns the following error

The response content cannot be parsed because the Internet Explorer engine is not available, or Internet Explorer's first-launch configuration is not complete. Specify the UseBasicParsing parameter and try again.

The error says what you need to do. Add UseBasicParsing to the command

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri –UseBasicParsing


We now get the error:

Win32 internal error "The handle is invalid" 0x6 occurred while reading the console output buffer

To fix this we need to tell PowerShell to silently continue by issuing the following command:

$progressPreference = "silentlyContinue"

Then call your web request


I’ve now got the output from the web request with a status code of 200 showing I’ve got connectivity.

Custom ASP.NET MVC app running in a Windows Container

With the introduction of Windows Containers on  Window Server 2016 and the ability to run containers in Service Fabric I thought it was time to investigate Windows Containers and I wanted to know how to build one that will run a web site using IIS.

As I’m new to containers, although I’ve done a very similar exercise with Docker on Linux, I decided to follow the Windows Quick Start Guide. I hit a few problems early on so I’ve put the steps I followed here:

After opening a PowerShell window as administrator I ran the following commands:

Install-Module -Name DockerMsftProvider -Repository PSGallery –Force – Ran OK
Install-Package -Name docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider – Had an error
WARNING: Cannot verify the file SHA256. Deleting the file.
WARNING: C:\Users\ADMINI~1.DEV\AppData\Local\Temp\DockerMsftProvider\ does not exist
Install-Package : Cannot find path 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1.DEV\AppData\Local\Temp\DockerMsftProvider\' because it does not exist.


Not sure what was causing this to fail but I followed the instructions to manually install (from

Start-BitsTransfer -Source -Destination /
Get-FileHash -Path / -Algorithm SHA256
mkdir C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\DockerMsftProvider\
cp .\ C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\DockerMsftProvider\
cd C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\DockerMsftProvider\
cp .\
Install-Package -Name docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider -Verbose Restart-Computer –Force

After Rebooting I tried to download and run a sample container

docker run microsoft/dotnet-samples:dotnetapp-nanoserver

but I got the following error

docker : C:\Program Files\Docker\docker.exe: error during connect: Post http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.25/containers/create: open //./pipe/docker_engine: The

system cannot find the file specified..

At line:1 char:1

+ docker run microsoft/dotnet-samples:dotnetapp-nanoserver

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (C:\Program File...ile specified..:String) [], RemoteException

+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError

It turns out that the docker service wasn’t running after the reboot, so open services.msc and find the docker service to start it.

Running the same command again will download the image from docker hub, create a container from it and then run it. As this is a visual container it runs once and then stops.


Every time I do docker run microsoft/dotnet-samples:dotnetapp-nanoserver it creates a new container. What I want to do is to run one that is stopped and view the output on the screen.

For this I needed to start the container I had already created. If you run

docker –ls –a

This will list all the containers that are both running and stopped and you can see from the image below that I had run docker run a number of time. Each time it tried to download the image (which was already downloaded) and then create a new container from it.


docker container start -a 12d382ae0bd6 (-a attached STDOUT so you can see the output)


Now I know how to create and start containers I wanted to build one of my own. This is easier than I first though as there a lots of base templates stored on docker hub and git hub.

I picked one on docker hub that has IIS and ASP.Net installed already, so all I needed to do after was to add my own website and configure IIS correctly. Using docker pull,

docker pull microsoft/aspnet (see

This retrieves the template from Docker Hub and I want to use that template to install my ASP.Net MVC site and configure IIS to serve the pages on port 8000. Following the instructions here ( I published my MVC site and copied the publish folder to my docker machine. Then I needed to create a Dockerfile recipe to instruct docker what to install in my image. So I created a folder that contained the Dockerfile and also the published website as below


The contents of the Dockerfile are:

# The FROM instruction specifies the base image. You are
# extending the microsoft/aspnet image.
FROM microsoft/aspnet
# Next, this Dockerfile creates a directory for your application
RUN mkdir C:\sdsweb
# configure the new site in IIS.
RUN powershell -NoProfile -Command \
Import-module IISAdministration; \
New-IISSite -Name "sdsweb" -PhysicalPath C:\sdsweb -BindingInformation "*:8000:"
# This instruction tells the container to listen on port 8000.
# The final instruction copies the site you published earlier into the container.
ADD sdswebsource/ /sdsweb

Now I need to run this to create the image

In PowerShell, I changed directory to the folder containing my Dockerfile, then ran

docker build -t sdsweb .

This has created an image and we need to now get this running as a container


using docker run again

docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --name sdsweb sdsweb


My container is now running and I should be able to view the web pages in my browser on port 8000, but I need to know the IP address first

docker inspect -f "{{ .NetworkSettings.Networks.nat.IPAddress }}" sdsweb


Now I can browser to


I changed the default web page to show the machine name serving the pages under Getting Started. Listing the containers will show the container ID and this matches the machine name displayed on the web page


That’s it running in a container. There are a couple more things I’d like to do before I’ve finished. The first is to make sure that when my Windows Server restarts, then my sdsweb container also starts. At the moment it will not start as I didn’t add a restart parameter when I called docker run. Adding –restart always will cause the container to restart when windows restarts.

docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --name sdsweb --restart always sdsweb

The final thing I want to do is to be able to share this image so I’d like to push it up to docker hub

docker login - enter username and password

docker push recneps/sdsweb


Then to use it on another machine

docker pull recneps/sdsweb


In my next post I am going to look at how I can create a container that can be hosted in Service Fabric

TFS Release Manager, Remote PowerShell & errorcode 0x80090322

I’m using Release Manager in Visual Studio Team Services (i.e. the one in the cloud) to deploy to my On Premises backend servers. Release Manager does this by using an agent in the environment within which you want to deploy. You can deploy and configure the agent through Release Manager and instructions are at

However this requires remote PowerShell configuring on the target machine to work correctly. This you may think is really easy to do.

Run PowerShell as admin then type

Winrm quickconfig

Once configured I had to allow the machine with the agent on to access the target machine

Set-Item wsman:localhost\client\trustedhosts *.<domain name>

And also set up to allow for remote scripts using:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Testing this I used:

Enter-PSSession <SERVER NAME>

On all my local VMs this worked fine but as soon as I tried it on my UAT and Production servers I got a generic error which listed a lot of possible problems:

Connecting to remote server <SERVER NAME> failed with the following error message: WinRM cannot process the request.
The following error with errorcode 0x80090322 occurred while using Negotiate authentication: An unknown security error occurred.
Possible causes are:
-The user name or password specified are invalid.
-Kerberos is used when no authentication method and no user name are specified.
-Kerberos accepts domain user names, but not local user names.
-The Service Principal Name (SPN) for the remote computer name and port does not exist.
-The client and remote computers are in different domains and there is no trust between the two domains.
After checking for the above issues, try the following:
-Check the Event Viewer for events related to authentication.
-Change the authentication method; add the destination computer to the WinRM TrustedHosts configuration setting or use HTTPS transport.
Note that computers in the TrustedHosts list might not be authenticated.
-For more information about WinRM configuration, run the following command: winrm help config. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.

Searching for the error returned a lot of similar results including:

Deleting SPNs

A conflict between ports

Sites to help with troubleshooting

None of them fixed the problem. I managed to get Remote Powershell to work by setting the SPN to specific ports but this then broke Reporting Services so I reverted my changes.

You know you are struggling when all the searches you do yield results you have already read, but in one web site that didn’t appear to be relevant I found this little nugget of information

Remote PowerShell requires port 80 to be available on the Default Web Site”

Looking at my web server there was no default website and nothing using port 80 so I added one and remote PowerShell started to work!

I can now deploy from the cloud on to my back end servers without opening any firewall portsJ

PowerShell DSC Composite Resources

When working with PowerShell DSC your scripts often get big and difficult to follow. If you are not careful you will end up copy and pasting configuration. I don’t like Copy/Paste coding so I was looking for a mechanism to allow me to reuse my DSC scripts. I came across Composite Resources.

Composite resources look very similar to you main DSC configuration but along with parameters they allow you to write reusable configuration. The following blog post has a good introduction to composite resources:

I followed this post but I had a few issues trying to get my composite resource to be recognised by my DSC configuration. The main issues is that the composite resource requires a very specific structure within which the files need to be put in order for it to be recognised. It then needs copying to somewhere on the DSC module path. On my computer this was C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules. The structure is as follows:



MyModule.psd1 & MyCompositeResource.psd1 are manifest files created using New-ModuleManifest. This effectively creates a GUID for the module and the resource. Once these files are created open up MyCompositeResource.psd1 and edit the following line :

RootModule = ‘MyCompositeResource.schema.psm1'

To check to see if the module is configured and structured correctly, go to PowerShell and type:

Get-DscResource -Name MyCompositeResource

If it is configured correctly then PowerShell will return details of the module

ImplementedAs        Name                               Module            Properties

-------------                   ----                                    ------                 ----------

Composite               MyCompositeResource     MyModule       {ServiceName, exeFullPath, sourcePath, destinat...

If you want to use the composite resource on a pull server then the whole MyModules folder needs zipping and a checksum file creating, then copy it to the modules folder on your pull server where all the other modules reside.

This now works well until I added a Script resource to my composite resource. I was creating a composite resource to install a set of windows services and the process I was following required me to uninstall and then reinstall the service using a script. The script block worked fine until I had multiple services using the same composite resource. I then started getting errors when creating the MOF file complaining that I had duplicate keys for my script blocks.

“Add-NodeKeys : The key properties combination 'some script' is duplicated for keys 'GetScript,SetScript,TestScript' of resource 'Script' in node 'nodename'. Please make sure key properties are unique for each resource in a node”

After a bit of searching I found this post: which explains how to resolve the problem. I copied the Replace-Using script to the top of my composite resource file and then piped the GetScript, TestScript and SetScripts to Replace-Using


Script Service.UrlAcl
    GetScript =  {$using:ServiceName + "UrlAclGet"} |Replace-Using
    TestScript =
             Write-Verbose -Message "urlacl not configured in parameters"
            return $true                   
           [String] $resp = (netsh http show urlacl url=$using:UrlAcl | findstr -i $using:UrlAcl)
           Write-Verbose -Message "netsh returned $resp for url $using:UrlAcl"
           if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($resp) -OR ($resp.IndexOf($using:UrlAcl) -eq -1) )
                 # The url is not registered
                Write-Verbose -Message "urlacl=$using:UrlAcl not registered"
                return $false
                Write-Verbose -Message "urlacl=$using:UrlAcl IS registered"
                    return $true
    } |Replace-Using
    SetScript =
        $fullun= $using:un
        $domainpos = $fullun.IndexOf("\")
        if ($domainpos -ne -1 )
        Write-Verbose -Message "Setting urlacl= $using:UrlAcl for $fullun"
        netsh http add urlacl url=$using:UrlAcl user=$fullun

     } |Replace-Using
     DependsOn = "[Script]Service.Install"

I now have a working composite resource that I can add to my pull server to configure up Windows Services