The Azure API Management service allows you to publish your APIs both internally and externally and to control who and what can access them. Out of the box you will get a standard API key for each of you users who sign up to the API, but this is often not enough meet the security requirements for you or your partners. API Management allows you to add a more fine grained security model you each of your APIs and this can be done using the policy feature. Policies are used for more than just security and there are numerous policies that allow you to change the behaviour of your API through configuration. Documentation for the types of policies can be found here. Sample policy examples can be found here.
Two policies that I am going to discuss here will allow you to restrict access to your API through IP Whitelisting and through validating JWT claims. I will also discuss how you can put different controls onto your API for different partners.
Policies can be set at different levels and the documentation will highlight the areas where they are applicable. For security policies I am going to talk about protecting at the API level and at the product level. Adding a policy at the API level will be applicable to all subscribers to the API whereas adding the policy at the product level will be applicable to all subscribers to the product. A product can contain multiple APIs and and API can be in multiple products. So we can add in protection at either level depending upon what your exact requirements are. The policies are the same but their impact will depend upon where they are applied.
Lets start with API level policies. To add or edit policies then you need to navigate to your API in the Azure Management portal. Then click on the API option, then click on the API you wish to protect

The easiest way to add a policy is to click the Add Policy link in the inbound section.

Click Filter IP Addresses and Add IP Filter

This form allows you to add ranges or single IP addresses to both allow or deny.When you have finished click Save.
You will now see the policy in the policy editor view. If you are happier to add this in manually or want to copy this and version control the config then you can access this via the Code Editor menu on the Inbound processing policies box

Appling this policy on the API means that only IP addresses within this range can access this specific API and can be useful to ensure that this specific API is blocked from being accessed regardless of the product has been subscribed to. Its also useful if you want to block access from specific IP addresses. However, you may have different partners who have different security arrangements or that you want to give different permissions to . To allow for this you will need to add the policy at the product level.
To edit the policy at the product level, click Products, pick the product you want to secure.

In this example I have a new More Secure API that I’ve created and there’s an access control section which allows you to pick the users who have access to this API

So I’ve immediately blocked access to this API to guest users and we can add user authentication to the API if we want, such as OAuth 2.0 and OpenID connect.
However, this post is talking about adding security policies and if we want to allow only specific IP addresses to access this API we can edit the policy at the Product level. To access the policy definition click Policies

You’ll notice that this is just the editor view and the easiest way is to add the policy at the API level using the wizard and copy the config to here. Products are a mechanism to allow you to group and protect APIs which means that from a management point of view you could create a product for each of your partners making it easier to maintain the security details for each and make it easier to disable access and remove only the security policies that apply to the specific partner. Managing this at the API level means that you will end up with a large number of security policies relating to a large number of partners making it difficult to manage. Security polices at the Product level are more important when you want to do some specific protection like checking claims in a signed JWT. The Product level policy allows you to have different signing keys for each product meaning that you can have different signing keys for each of your partners (assuming one product per partner).

This policy requires a JWT signed with the key eW91ci0yNTYtYml0LXNlY3JldA== and that also has the claim admin=true. If there is an error then 401 is returned with the message “You have failed the security checks please contact your administrator”
To summarise, we can add policies at both API and product level. Product level polices allow us to create a new product for each of our partners and then add specific security policies to the product tailored to our specific partners needs. The product level policy makes it easier to manage the security policies at a partner level but we can allso add global security policies at the API level such as blocking access from certain IP address ranges. Policies can do a lot more than security so check out the links at the start of the post for further information