Steve Spencer's Blog

Blogging on Azure Stuff

Automating Azure AD Entitlement Management with Graph API

This post builds on two previous posts: one that introduced Entitlement Management and the other that introduced the Beta version of Graph API. I will show what is available within Entitlement Management for automating with Graph API.

The documentation for Graph API is here and is currently in Beta so you will need to use the Beta libraries to access.

Let’s assume that you have already setup your access packages and want to make your own portal to allow users to select the packages they want.

You’ll want to list the packages that are available first to allow the user to pick the package they require. This can be done using the Access Packages endpoint

GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient( authProvider );

var accessPackages = await graphClient.IdentityGovernance.EntitlementManagement.AccessPackages

This will return a list of access packages the user can request access to. You will need to ensure that the user has been assigned the correct permissions: EntitlementManagement.Read.All or EntitlementManagement.ReadWrite.All

Graph API will also allow the user to request access to a package. For this the user will need to create a request using the Create accessPackageAssignment request

GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient( authProvider );

var accessPackageAssignmentRequest = new AccessPackageAssignmentRequestObject
     RequestType = "AdminRemove",
     AccessPackageAssignment = new AccessPackageAssignment
         Id = "a6bb6942-3ae1-4259-9908-0133aaee9377",
         TargetId = "46184453-e63b-4f20-86c2-c557ed5d5df9",
         AssignmentPolicyId = "2264bf65-76ba-417b-a27d-54d291f0cbc8"

await graphClient.IdentityGovernance.EntitlementManagement.AccessPackageAssignmentRequests

The code above was modified from the examples and more scenarios are available there too.

The following request types can be used:

  • UserAdd
  • UserRemove
  • AdminAdd
  • AdminRemove
  • SystemRemove

So the request can be used to add and remove assignments by either the User or an Admin.

You can view the assignments for a user by using the Access Package assignment endpoint:

GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient( authProvider );

var filterByCurrentUser = await graphClient.IdentityGovernance.EntitlementManagement.AccessPackageAssignments

These end points should be enough to get you started with automating Entitlement management but there are more features that could be automated if you require them. All the resources that are currently available can be found in the Entitlement management API documentation

Using the Azure Graph API Beta to add an Application Role Assignment

In an earlier post I talked about using Graph API to invite users using B2B and add them to groups. In this post I am introducing the Beta version of the API. This has additional functionality that is currently not released. Microsoft have provided documentation for the Graph API which currently defaults to V1.0. See

To see the Beta documentation there is a version drop down list which allows you to select either V1.0 or the Beta version.


Just like the release version of Graph API you install the C# Graph API Beta using a nuget package: Microsoft.Graph.Beta

The code samples in here will work in both the Beta and released version but I wanted to show the difference between using the Beta API but also show you something you can use in production.

The scenario I am going to show is Adding a user to an Azure AD application.

First you will need a client to access the Beta Graph API. With the Beta API nuget package installed this automatically uses the Beta client.

ConfidentialClientApplicationOptions _applicationOptions = new ConfidentialClientApplicationOptions


        ClientId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientId"],

        TenantId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TenantId"],

        ClientSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppSecret"]


var confidentialClientApp = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder



ClientCredentialProvider authProvider = new ClientCredentialProvider(confidentialClientApp);

GraphServiceClient betaGraphClient = new GraphServiceClient(authProvider);

This creates a Beta graph client with application scope.

To add an application role assignment to a user we need access to the Service Principles endpoint. Looking at the API documentation for List Service Principles we need an Application permission of Directory.ReadAll,


Create and Update Service Principles requires Directory.ReadWriteAll


We can to add the permission to the Graph API application of Directory.ReadWriteAll and Grant Admin consent to the permissions we set up in the previous post. This will also cover the List API call.


Without these permissions adding any calls to the Service Principle endpoint would return unauthorised.

In order to add an application role assignment we need to first obtain the user:

var user = (await betaGraphClient.Users.Request(options)                                                         

                            .Filter($"mail eq '{testUserEmail}'")


Then find all the app role assignments for the application we are interested in to see if the user is already assigned. To get the role assignments we call the service principle endpoint and expand the approleassignedto property:

var app1ServicePrincipals = await betaGraphClient.ServicePrincipals


                                                                .Filter($"appId eq '{testApp1}'")



var app1RoleAssignment = (from ra in app1ServicePrincipals[0].AppRoleAssignedTo

                                             where ra.PrincipalId.ToString() == user.Id

                                             select ra).FirstOrDefault();

If we want to remove the role assignment then we call the DeleteAsync method.

if (app1RoleAssignment != null)


        await betaGraphClient.ServicePrincipals[app1ServicePrincipals[0].Id]





To Add a role assignment to the application call the Add endpoint:

app1RoleAssignment = new AppRoleAssignment


                                           CreationTimestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now,

                                           PrincipalDisplayName = user.DisplayName,

                                           PrincipalId = Guid.Parse(user.Id),

                                           PrincipalType = user.UserType,

                                           ResourceDisplayName = app1ServicePrincipals[0].DisplayName,

                                           ResourceId = Guid.Parse(app1ServicePrincipals[0].Id),

                                           AppRoleId = Guid.Empty


await betaGraphClient.ServicePrincipals[app1ServicePrincipals[0].Id]




To see the role assignments that the user now has find all the appRoleAssignments that contain the users id:

var roleAssignments = servicePrincipals.SelectMany(x => x.AppRoleAssignedTo).ToList();

var appRoleAssignments = from ra in roleAssignments

                                            where ra.PrincipalId.ToString() == user.Id

                                            select ra;

foreach (var ra in appRoleAssignments)


        Console.WriteLine($"[{ra.PrincipalDisplayName}] [{ra.ResourceDisplayName}]");


This should show the same information you can see when you look in Azure AD at the User’s applications:


Features and tools may change between Beta and Production. The code above changed slightly when moving to productions but the easiest way to see is to remove the Beta nuget and add the production one. The only change I had to make was to change the CreationTimeStamp to CreatedDateTime = DateTime.Now.

Information about which features are in Beta and which are in production can be found here:

Using Graph API to automate Azure AD

In my previous posts I discussed how you can manage access to applications (part 1) using Azure AD and also how you can add users users from outside of your organisation (part 2). Now we will look at how you can automate this using Graph API.

“The Microsoft Graph API offers a single endpoint,, to provide access to rich, people-centric data and insights exposed as resources of Microsoft 365 services. You can use REST APIs or SDKs to access the endpoint and build apps that support scenarios spanning across productivity, collaboration, education, security, identity, access, device management, and much more.” -

From the overview you can see that Graph API covers a large area of Microsoft 365 services. One of the services it covers is Azure AD. What I’ll show you today is how to invite users and then add/remove them to/from groups using Graph API.

There are two ways to access Graph API. A user centric approach (Delegated) that requires a user account and an application centric approach that uses an application key and secret. Accessing Azure AD for user invite and group management utilises the application centric approach. In order to get an application id and secret you will need to create an application in Azure AD. The first post in the series talks about how to create an App Registration.

Once you have created your application, there are a couple of bits of information you require in order to get started. These are the tenantId and clientId. These can be found in the Azure portal. Navigate to your App Registration and the details can be found in the Overview blade.


If you hover over each of the Guids a copy icon appears to allow you to easily copy these values.

Next you will need a key generating. For this you click on the Certificates and secrets blade.


Then click “New client secret” and populate the form and click “Add”


Your key will now appear.


Make sure you copy this as it is not visible again once you navigate away and you will need to generate a new one.


We are now ready to start looking at Graph API. There is good documentation about each of the functions in Graph API including the permissions required to access and code samples in a variety of languages. If we look at the list User function:


You can see the permissions needed to access this function. As we are using an Application permission type we need to set one of the permissions: User.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.Read.All or Directory.ReadWrite.All.

You can set the permissions required by going to your App Registration and clicking on the “API permissions”


The application by default requires a user login that can read their own user profile. We need to add some additional permissions to allow our application to list the users in AD.Click on “Add permission”

This shows the list of built-in API’s that you can access. We are only looking at Microsoft Graph today


Click “Microsoft graph”


Then “Application permission” and scroll to the User section


To list users we need the User.Read.All permission, but we’ll also add the User.Invite.All so that we can invite B2B users. click “Add permissions”.


Although you have added the permissions you cannot currently access the Graph API as you will need to Grant admin consent in first. If we had  added a Delegated permission then the user could try an access the Graph API but Admin consent would be required to stop anyone from accessing certain features. This can be done in a workflow with selected Admins being notified of access. Before the use can access an Administrator would need to approve each access. This process will not work for our application as it is an unattended application using the application permission type. We can however grant access to this application user by clicking “Grant admin consent …” button and clicking Yes to the message box that pops up.


Clicking the button adds admin consent to all permissions. If you want to remove it from any, click the ellipsis (…) at the end and click “Revoke admin consent”


You can also remove permissions from this menu.

Your user is now ready to go. I’m using the C# SDK and this is available as a nuget package

Once the nuget package is installed. You will need to create an instance of the Graph API client:

ConfidentialClientApplicationOptions _applicationOptions = new ConfidentialClientApplicationOptions
     ClientId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientId"],
     TenantId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TenantId"],
     ClientSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppSecret"]

// Build a client application.
IConfidentialClientApplication confidentialClientApplication = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder

// Create an authentication provider by passing in a client application and graph scopes.
ClientCredentialProvider authProvider = new ClientCredentialProvider(confidentialClientApplication);

// Create a new instance of GraphServiceClient with the authentication provider.
GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(authProvider);

You will need the ClientId, TenentId and Secret you copied earlier. Looking at the Graph API documentation there are example of how to use each of the functions.


We want to see if a user existing in our AAD before we invite them, so we will use the filter option as above.

var user = (await graphClient.Users
                 .Filter($"mail eq '{testUserEmail}'")

Console.WriteLine($"{testUserEmail} {user != null} {user?.Id} [{user?.DisplayName}] [{user?.Mail}]");

If user is null then is does not exist in your AzureAD tenant. Assuming that this is an external user then you will need to invite the user to be able to access your application. I created a method for this:

private async Task<Invitation> InviteUser(IGraphServiceClient graphClient, string displayName, string emailAddress, string redirectUrl, bool wantCustomEmaiMessage, string emailMessage)
     // Needs: User.InviteAll

    var invite = await graphClient.Invitations
                     .Request().AddAsync(new Invitation
                         InvitedUserDisplayName = displayName,
                         InvitedUserEmailAddress = emailAddress,
                         SendInvitationMessage = wantCustomEmaiMessage,
                         InviteRedirectUrl = redirectUrl,
                         InvitedUserMessageInfo = wantCustomEmaiMessage ? new InvitedUserMessageInfo
                             CustomizedMessageBody = emailMessage,
                         } : null

    return invite;

Now you’ve just invited a B2B user into your Azure AD tenant. At the moment they do not have access to anything as you’ve not assigned them to any application. The Graph API for assigning users to applications uses the delegated permissions model which means you need to use an actual user account. The Graph API with the application permission model does not support adding users to applications. In order to use the same application client you used for inviting users, you could assign a group to your application and then use the Graph API to add/remove users to/from that group.

Adding/removing a user to/from a group requires one of the following permissions: GroupMember.ReadWrite.All, Group.ReadWrite.All and Directory.ReadWrite.All. This is set in the same way as for the user permissions in the App Registration/Api permission section mentioned earlier. Admin consent will also need to be granted for these permissions.

The code to add & remove users is below:

// find group
var groupFound = (await graphClient.Groups
                                         .Filter($"displayName eq '{groupName}'")

Console.WriteLine($"{groupName} {groupFound != null } [{groupFound?.Id}] [{groupFound?.DisplayName}] [{groupFound?.Members?.Count}]");

if (groupFound != null)
     // check is the user is already in the group
     var user = (from u in groupFound.Members
                 where u.Id == user.Id
                 select u).FirstOrDefault();
     Console.WriteLine($"user Found {user != null}");

    if (user != null)
         Console.WriteLine($"removing user {user.Id}");
         // remove from group
         await graphClient.Groups[groupFound.Id].Members[user.Id].Reference

         Console.WriteLine($"adding user {user.Id}");
         // add to group
         await graphClient.Groups[groupFound.Id].Members.References
             .AddAsync(new DirectoryObject
                 Id = user.Id

In the code above I wanted the Graph API to return me the list of users in the group. By default you do not see this data when retrieving group information. Adding the Expand method tells Graph API to extend the query and return the additional data. This is something to bear in mind when using Graph API. Just because the data is null does not mean that there is no data, you might need to expand the data set returned.

I hope you found this a useful introduction to Graph API, I will be posting more on Azure AD in the future including more on Graph API.